First off, things with Tony are perfect. We are in the best place. We, of course, have our arguments and still get annoyed at each other with little things, but counseling has been a God send. Our communication about everything is perfect and those arguments are few and far in between because we can give each other our space when we need it. I feel like I owe my life to our counselor (In a lot of ways I do) but, she saved us and our relationship. I felt SO dumb telling people that Tony and I were going to counseling or that we got divorced, but we are still together. People don't really understand or think that if it didn't work the first time that it won't work again, but again, they are wrong. Soul mates are kind of a crazy thing and I am so thankful for Tony being my best friend and lover and for forgiving me for everything that happened in the past. If we can survive an affair and come back from the lowest of the low stronger than we were before, I don't have any sort of doubts for our future together! We had an awesome 2015 together, filled with lots of camping and date nights! We went to Oregon for his birthday and Flaming Gorge for mine, He surprised me with horseback riding, which was absolutely amazing! I forgot how much I loved to ride horses.
Hopefully he doesn't kill me for this pic, but who forgets their sweatshirt when you go camping?!?! This guy! Good thing I brought lots of extras!
Easily, one of the prettiest places we have ever camped at!
Right before we got on the horses! I was so excited!
Since this was basically the best birthday ever, Our resolution together is to travel more. We have so much fun going to different places together. I had this idea one day to start a blog for Tony and I. I wanted to do this because, A. I love writing a blog and sharing pictures, so this is going to give me a place that I can do this for Tony and I to remember forever, and it will also save my Instagram from getting blown up like it is now. Ya feel? B. Tony and I love to go on little overnight stays at bed and breakfasts, I seriously search and search for reviews on places and I can never find ANYTHING except for what is on Yelp, I swear to you that people just go on Yelp to complain about anything they can and half of the time, I feel like the things are made up. So, hopefully this blog will help couples and/or families have some fun ideas to go out and do. and C. Traveling and date nights that are out of the "norm" have brought Tony and I closer together, So I am hoping that the blog will help other couples in that situation as well. With all that being said, our first post is almost done, I have been super busy with work, but it is all about our awesome trip to California that we went on! I should have it all finished and posted by the end of the week, but here is the link in the meantime and I will post the link again because this really does make me super excited!
Some other exciting things that are happening with Tony and I in 2016 is selling our house (hopefully soon, fingers crossed please!) and getting an apartment together! We rushed into buying a house and we are going to take this step back and start with an apartment and see where life takes us.....(which is a surprise right now!) We are also going to be using the Christmas present that I got Tone, which was a trip to San Francisco to see Above and Beyond's acoustic show! Trust me, It it so worth your time to look up their music. They are amazing and I am SO excited! We have a couple of trips to Oregon planned as well! (Fam I am comin' for you and so excited!!!!) So 2016 is going to be an awesome year of travel for us, which was #2 on my New Years resolution list! So exciting!
Another few things on my list is the normal, losing weight. I know, I know! This is EVERYONE's resolution, but seriously. I totally neglected myself and my health in 2015 because I wanted to fix my relationship, but this year is going to be all about getting into shape! Shout out to the awesome gym Square One Fitness for doing their 6 week body transformation so I can get my butt out of bed to go to the gym in the morning! With that, I am signing up for pole dancing classes and the aerial silk dancing that I used to do and absolutely LOVED it! I am WAY excited for all of least I am telling myself that I am excited about the gym. ;) Other few little small things is to cook more, read more, and not buy so much coffee (Sorry Starbucks, my business with you needs to calm it down!)
2015 was really an amazing year for me and I ended it the most perfect way. I am so lucky with all the friends that I have, you guys all have a special place in my heart and I am so thankful for everyone who was there for me when I was a crazy person and doing really shitty things. I am so lucky to have SO many friends that I consider my family.
Seriously guys, I am tearing up looking at these. :'(
Also, my family who has been amazing and I feel like we are all in a really good place as well! A final thing, Tony and I and his boss and his wife went and donated a bunch of toys to Primary Children's hospital for Christmas and it was so amazing. One of the most rewarding things that I have ever done! We got the cutest pics taken by Jason as well that I have to show off! :)
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Could you just DIE at how cute these are?! |
We got a bunch of instruments for musical therapy in Sophie's Place. So amazing! |
I will leave it with this as my final New Years Resolution: