Monday, February 24, 2014


So a couple of days ago I was reading my horoscope...side note here: I am OBSESSED with astrology, I 100% believe in that stuff. If my horoscope said "Leo, stay home and don't leave the house today or you will die." I would never leave my house. With that being horoscope the other day said to be thankful for the little things in your life and you will receive some awesome blessings. So I was thinking about that and I was realizing that I do have a lot to be thankful for in my life. So I am going to make a list of those because my last post was me being a complaining cathy about mono...which I am fully recovered from by the way, FINALLY.

-Daybreak: I know 9 times out of 10 I complain about living in Daybreak because of the HOA fees or whatevs, but I just went for a run around the lake and it was BEAUTIFUL. I forgot how much I love running around the lake. I do this every year when it starts to get warm and the first couple of runs around the lake are exhilarating, the snow is all melted, the sun is shining, the air is crisp and cold but feels good because you are sweating and it feels amazing. I seriously love it and sets up for the most amazing day.

-Britney Spears: While I am on the running/working out subject, Britney Spears new album is AWESOME to work out too. "Work Bitch" is the greatest song in the world probs. That lady has still got it, I'll tell you what.

-My job:  I work at an awesome place and I have met some of the most amazing people who have made a huge impact in my life working at Chuck-a-rama. There are some days that I absolutely hate working there and honestly telling people that I wait tables/manage a restaurant is sometimes embarrassing, but I make awesome money that I can make a living with and work with my best friends. What can get better then that?

-Cowboy boots; Lately I have had a serious obsession with cowboy boots. They are SO comfortable and go with everything. I am a country girl at heart I think. Yesterday, Tony took me shopping and I got the CUTEST boots in the entire world. I seriously could not stop talking about them and I think by the end of the night Tony was about ready to slap me because I wouldn't shut up about these damn boots.
Seriously, how could you not LOVE these little sweethearts. Thank you JMR for going out of business and having everything 50% off so I got these for $45 instead of $90. obsessed. 

-Country Music: Back to the country girl at heart thing....I am obsessed with country music. It is so weird to think that I used to HATE it. I don't listen to anything but country anymore. Currently listening to Luke Bryan station on Pandora while I type this....amaze balls I tell ya. 

-Luke Bryan: While on the country topic, we are just going to take a moment and be thankful for Luke Bryan. He is amazingly attractive and talented. Those teeth are to die for. 

-The mall: I am a shopaholic and I know how big of a problem it is, but I am so thankful for the mall. Weird, but whatev. 

-My mom: She is the most amazing lady that I have ever met. I know I have talked about her before, but I seriously love her. We had a lot of problems when I was growing up, but now that I am older and married, she is my best friend and I couldn't do anything without her. She has gone through so much in her life and instead of being bitter she isn't. She just takes it and moves on. Last night we were on the phone for 45 mins just talking about the Teem mom specials that were on yesterday. Who does that? Love ya mom! 

-My sisters: Again, growing up, we absolutely hated eachother. If these two girls were not in my life, I don't know where I would be. I don't have kids yet, but I imagine a mothers love when I look at them. I care so much and so deeply about them and if anyone messes with them or says something mean about either one of them on Twitter the claws come out. They have both grown into amazing, beautiful, smart girls and I can't wait to see where life takes them. I am so so thankful to have instant best friends who are just like me and who will ALWAYS be there for me. 

-bruised ankles: This one is kind of weird, but this weekend I went out dancing with my friends in Park City and it was so much fun, but I haven't worn high heels in SO long that dancing for 5 hours in them and walking around the streets of PC made my ankles get bruised. Even though running killed me today because they really do hurt, it is worth it. I am so thankful for my friends and all of us having eachothers drunken backs all the time. I am thankful that Tony trusts me enough to let me go to girls nights every month and go to clubs and not even question twice on if I will hit on someone else because he trusts me enough. These things are things that I will always remember and always look back and be so thankful for. 

-Disney Again, a weird one. But I am thankful for Disney. Everytime I am feeling sad or having a bad day, I can always pop in a Disney movie or Disney Pandora and instantly feel happier. Don't ask me why, but I am just obsessed with Disney. 

-Dancing: I love to dance. I stopped dancing for a while and I really wish that I didn't, but oh well. I feel so free and alive when dancing. Sometimes (cough cough, this morning) I'll just turn on Pandora and dance around my house while cleaning up. Dancing with the girls, Dancing with Tony, Country line dancing, dancing in the kitchen with my friends at work. I feel like my day is not complete if I haven't done some sort of dance move. 

-Summer: I almost wanted to type the words to that summer song here from Frozen. haha. This summer is going to be amazing. I am SO excited. Not only are there a million and a half country concerts that all my money will be going too, It is going to be so warm and I will be tan and hopefully skinnier, I just want to sit by the pool and read a book all day. There is going to be Bear Lake, Fairs, Funnel Cakes, Fireworks, Fourth of July, of course my birthday. AHHH I am just to excited! 

-Tony: Last but not least, my amazing husband. (what blog post would be complete if I didn't mention my love for Tony) Not only does he put up with all my crazy antics.....example from above, dancing to Disney music all the time and being more than obsessed with Luke Bryan and Rick from The Walking Dead, but, last night we were talking and randomly he just told me some of the things that he loves about me....It ment so much to me. The things that I thought drove him crazy are the things that are his favorite. I asked him what he would do if I didn't do some of those crazy things, and he told me that I wouldn't be me and he probably wouldn't be with me because he loves them so much. Now, as I am bawling typing this, he is amazing and I really truly got so lucky to be with him. Sometimes I lose sight with that, but then he will do little things to make me remember how perfect he is. Not only did he take me shopping last night because I was DYING to go, he took me to Olive Garden because I was craving it the whole time that I had mono...Have you ever realized how many Olive Garden commercials there are in a day? A lot I tell you. Anyways, he wasn't feeling good and was so tired because I spend a really long time at the mall, but he still took me to make me happy and it was probably the best meal of my entire life. He is just perfect and I will forever be grateful for him coming into my life and choosing me to spend the rest of his life with and have a family with. I know he will be reading this so I love you Tone and thank you so much for loving me for me and not wanting me to change. 

I feel like this is a really long list, but once I started I couldn't stop. Some of these things are silly, but I am so thankful for my life and the things that I have been blessed with and it is nice to take a step back from the busyness and look at the tiny things that you sometimes skip over. So thank you horoscope for making me think about it! That guy always knows what is best for me. ;) 

xox-tay ♥ 

ps: forgot to mention the greatest movie in the world and the most fun to quote. So there is my final thought for the day. I hope you had a good long laugh like I did when I found this pin! :) 


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


So I have been slacking horribly at this guy, I honestly have had so much going on that hasn't been good that I didn't want to be one of "those people" who complained all the time. So I have just stayed away, but, these last couple weeks I have had mono (worst sickness ever, I hope no one ever has to have it) and I have been stuck in bed doing nothing but watching crappy reality tv and HBO all day, I had to get up and do something different, so here we are.

So, last night Tony and I had a really really good talk about our lives and were we were headed. We haven't had a very awesome 2013 year to be honest, it was probably the hardest year of my entire life...there was so much crap that had happened and then there was the whole baby thing that wasn't fun at all. The hardest part was though at the end of the year Tony and I started having problems in our marriage, I NEVER in life thought that would happen to us, in my mind we were the strongest couple ever and we could get through anything, which we could mostly. I feel like we were both so stressed out with random bills coming up and our regular bills, he was working a ton, I was working 6 nights a week and some of those were 12 hour days so I was NEVER seeing Tony. and it was HARD. Marriage is not an easy thing. We got married when I was 18 and he was 21 and I was so excited and I thought it would be like a sleepover every night with my best friend.....not like that at all. It is something that you have to work at and there are some days that you don't know how are you going to make it to the next day. To make a long story short, we both did somethings that we regret and we had to go through those things to get back to eachother and get our lives back in order. Tony is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my life and I know that I was ment to be with him for a reason, I know that I was ment to go through the trials that we have together with him. I am extremely lucky and I will never take that for granted again. Other things that I won't take for granted is drinking, with this mono my throat has been so swollen that I have hardly been able to drink...I had to go into the doctor and get 3 bags of fluid through an IV because I was so dehydrated, 3!!! Now, I am slowly drink water through a straw, when I just want to guzzle it, but I can't. bleh.
-Talking, I will start to talk but then get tired or my throat will start to hurt so I will have to stop and text Tony even though he is sitting right next to me.
-Singing in the car, for anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge car singer. Let me tell you how much torture it is to not sing in that guy. I don't even want to listen to music because I can't just belt it out.Tony is probs happy that he gets a little break from that one though.
-eating, ALL I want is doritos and ALL I can eat is soup. I think that is all I can say about that subject.
-Kissing, Tony will not kiss me on the lips until I am better. I miss his kisses every second of the day! :(

okay, that is all of the feeling sorry for myself. I guess the point of this blog was to just tell Tony thank you for being amazing and to complain a little bit about this horrible sickness and to try and get into blogging again. We have a lot of fun plans for this year. We have decided to just not even think about a baby and just let it happen on its own time. Our 5 year anniversary is coming up in April and we are going on a family vacation to Northern California and staying on a beach house. I have made it my goal to wake up early every morning and go running and watch the sunrise on the beach. I also told Tony that I want to ride horses on the beach, that has always been my dream. ahhhh I can't even wait! We are also going to go to Southern California in October and do the whole Disneyland Halloween that we used to do and see LUKE  BRYAN in concert in LA. HoLLA! So exciting! So I am hoping that this year will be much better than last with all the fun things that we have planned and that our baby will come in its time and it will be so worth it! Thanks for reading my pointless blog of the day!

xoxo-gossip girl (did I mention that I've watched a loooot of netflix?? haha)