Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Things I am starting to learn in my 20's..

I am really weird about age and this year- 5 months to be exact- I am turning 24... I know that is not SUPER old, but I feel old. Maybe its the fact that I have a mortgage and have been married for 5 years, but whatevs...its more than halfway to 40. My middle sister is leaving for college in St. George in August and I am super stressed out about it...She seems way to young to be living by herself at a party school, I'll probably spend every waking moment worried if she is hungover trying to do her homework and not flunk out of college....then I think "Come on Tay, she isn't you, she didn't spend her entire senior year at the mall instead of school and she has gotten awesome grades all through high school and has a good head on her shoulders." It's just crazy to think at her age I was planning a wedding and looking at houses, with my own choice I wasn't having a baby or whatever to sway my decision to be with Tony or not. I have been having a hard time lately with Talia leaving and dealing with the fact that she is going to be doing something with her life and I am stuck in the same exact place that I was when I was 18, I have the same job, no college degree, the same house, the same shit in my house...quite honestly the only thing that has changed in the last 5 1/2 years is my weight....which I am not proud of by the way! But, looking back on the past 5 years I have learned some things that will help me not be so depressed and down on myself all.the.time. So that is where the idea for this blog post came around. 

-It's okay to say thank you to a compliment. If someone tells you "Hey! You have awesome hair today!" You can say JUST Thank you! If you don't like their hair you don't have to say some bull shit compliment about them too. I read an article in Cosmo about this subject and it's so true. All the time someone would compliment me and I would hurry and think of something back to say to them, even if it wasn't true. That isn't sincere and that doesn't help build them up, so if you don't really mean it just say thank you and move on. 

-Marriage is tough. It's not lovey dovey all the time. You grow up and you have real problems 60% of the time. 

-Your sisters and your mom are always going to be your best friend, you just never realized it. You go through your whole life hating them all the time and when you move out you realize just how much you care about them and would do anything for them. If you and your sister get into a fight, you are forced to work it out so your family dinners won't be awkward and in her weird way she was giving you that push you needed to figure your shit out. No matter what they will always be there and your mom is literally always right. She has always been right about everything your whole life, but luckily she gave you your own space to figure that all out on your own. 

-Sometimes life calls for you to be a bitch, but don't use that to your advantage. If someone hits your parked car and thinks its not their problem to pay for it, it is. Pull out your bitch claws and get that taken care of. You need to know how to stand up for yourself and be able to back yourself up. Don't talk about people behind their back, that doesn't get you anywhere. If you have a problem with someone bring it up to them,  not everyone else. We aren't in high school anymore. 

-You are going to get a "woman's body" I was so stressed out when one morning I woke up with hips and huge boobs, but its okay. Some ladies would kill for that. Accept the fact that you will probs never fit in your size 0 high school Hollister jeans, probably never fit in most of Hollisters clothes again, and move on. Take care of your body and realize that maybe you don't need french fries from McDonalds randomly throughout the day....it will ruin all the hard work at the gym. Make the gym a part of your life because now that you're getting older, you have cholesterol and breast cancer and all that fun stuff to worry about that you can prevent if you work out and eat better. 

-If you don't have your entire life figured out it's okay.  You don't need to have a college degree under your belt to feel good about yourself. Go back to school when you are really ready and will really commit to it, if you do it before you're ready it will just be a waste of time and money. If you don't have a baby by the time everyone else has one, that's okay too. Timing is everything and things will happen when they are supposed to happen with who they are supposed to happen with. It took me a looooong time to realize this one, but you have to trust that everything with be okay and happen how it's supposed too. 

-some people might not like you and that's okay too. You don't need to spend your life worrying about that and trying to make everyone happy to be apart of the "it" crowd. Just be yourself and the people who are ment to be in your life will be there. screw everyone else. Don't change for anyone.

-It's okay to open up and let people in. You don't need to keep everything to yourself and blow up one day. If someone wants to be there to help you and talk you through things.....let them.  Come to terms with the fact that they might hurt you and realize that's okay. It's okay to let your feelings out and lay everything on the table. If they hurt you, pick your baggage up and move on. 

-Travel and laugh more. Life is to short to waste it working to pay the bills. Save up some money and go on the dream vaca that you have always wanted too, if you want to go to Disneyland pick a date and do everything you can to make that happen. Do the things that you really truly want to do before you have kids and those things become harder. If you see a cute pair of boots, buy them. Chances are if you are still thinking about those guys a month later it is ment to be. Don't over think things, just be spontaneous and do them. 

-Sometimes you are going to want to stay in and read a book on a Saturday night instead of go out to a club and drink. Hangovers last longer then 4 hours the older you get, sometimes they last for 2 days and if you work 12 hours the next day you don't want to work that hungover. So stay in and read that book girl! You got this! Learn how to handle yourself when you are drunk, you don't want to be the girl who everyone has to pause their night to take care of and your puking in the street bawling tears! Lets be honest, we have all had that happen, but don't make it a habit. Know your limits and how to have a good time without all the drama. 

-Stop trying to keep people in your life who aren't ment to be there. Your best friend from high school most likely isn't going to be your bestie forever. stop trying to make that happen. Be thankful for the awesome memories that you will always remember and move on. 

-It's okay if one night you want to binge eat pizza and drink beer and watch 5 episodes of South Park or Workaholics. 

-If the 16 year old girl at work doesn't know who the hell Backstreet Boys or The Spice Girls are....don't stress. When they both do their tours you can go rock out with people your age. Who wants to party with youngins anyway?

- Never be that trashy girl who is always posting the F word on her Facebook and flipping off the camera in pictures. That is disgusting. 

-Realize that the years go by way to fast and you shouldn't stress the small things that have no significance to you, you'll make it through and be okay. Life is to short to worry about things like that and work your life away. Just breath and relax, you still have enough time to figure things out. 24 really isn't that old anyways, sometimes that is just the true beginning of your life. ♥  


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