So, today got off to a little bit of a rough start for Tony and I. Tony wanted to be to work an hour earlier this morning and I was dropping him off so he could come with me to a doctor appointment for my thyroid this afternoon. (I have anxiety about going to the doctor alone.) Low and behold, we both woke up way late and were in a huge rush, Tony couldn't find his pants he wanted to wear, I was feeling sick (keep your fingers crossed that I am pregnant.) Halfway to work Tony figured out that he left his phone at work, he had a way bad migraine this morning because he is getting off of energy drinks. etc..the list could go on for a bad morning. I was trying to get Tony happier by telling him that he only had 5 hours of work and then we had the whole night together, He wasn't having it. Dropped him off, asked him to please try and have a good day said I love you and I was off.
On my way home I was listening to the radio and the family of the police officer who got shot and killed this past weekend was on. They were saying how amazing he was and how caring and how he was leaving a wife and son behind. It made me bawl of course, I can't handle people losing their husbands because I relate to them so easily. Anyway, it got me thinking, even though I was sooo bugged with Tony being grumpy this morning and he was sooo bugged with me telling him to have a better attitude, This poor lady will never have that again because her husband is gone all thanks to this horrible person who just decided to shoot him. I feel like Tony and I get so caught up in doing everyday things that we forget to slow down and really spend time with eachother and our families or friends. We get so stressed out over bills or house projects and just need to take things slow, in a second it could all be gone.
I do not know what I would do if I was to lose Tony one day. I depend on him for every single thing in my life. If I am having a bad day, frustrated with anything, happy with anything, want to talk to someone, want to go shopping with someone, anything. I always turn to Tony. He is truly my best friend and the love of my life. Sometimes it does scare me how much I love him because if I ever did lose him, I would turn into a vegetable and not be able to function. I feel for this poor lady who lost her husband and her darling little boy. I hope that they can find peace in their situation that they have been put in. I am so happy that I was in the car at that time so that I could hear their story and get a little reminder, at the beginning of a hectic day, to slow things down a little bit and don't take anything for granted.
xoxo. Tay.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
50 random things
One of my friends started a little game to post 50 random things about yourself, so here we go :)
1.) I am OBSESSED with the color mint. If it is in mint, I will buy it.
2.) I own more shoes than clothes, it drives Tony crazy. 100 pairs to be exact. I have a problem.
3.) I love Sprite zero, it is the only soda that I will drink.
4.) I take pictures of everything. I never want to forget anything, Instagram is my best friend.
5.) I hate getting out of bed in the morning
6.) I have a really really hard time dieting. I love junk way to much.
7.) I am terrified of the dark.
8.) Halloween is my all time favorite holiday and I will dress up every year, even if we don't end up doing anything.
9.) I love tootsie rolls and strawberry laffy taffys
10.) I hate being home alone. I always have to have a tv on or music playing.
11.) I will be nice to anyone, regardless of what they have done to me. I always give second chances.
12.) With 11 being said, if you mess up on your second, third, or fourth chance...I hold a grudge and I hold it well.
13.) I could live off of Chili's queso dip and chips. YUM!
14.) I refuse to go anywhere in my PJ's. I will always dress up before I leave the house.
15.) Marilyn Monroe is my homegirl!
16.) I love to hashtag stuff.
17.) Any chance I get, I will watch Disney Channel throwback shows. (Lizzie Micguire, Thats so Raven, Even Stevens)
18.) I am addicted to dramatic tv shows, Gossip Girl is the recent one.
19.) I 100% believe that mine and Tony's relationship is as close to perfect as it gets.
20.) I am obsessed with ANYTHING Disney. Vintage Disney is my FAVORITE.
21.) I will never pass up a time to quote Mean Girls.
22.) I am in LOOOOOVE with sloths. Please let me own one!
23.) I love dancing
24.) Minions. that is all I need to say about those adorable little guys.
25.) I can cry on the drop of a hat. I am extremely emotional.
26.) I love Dr. Suess.
27.) I have a secret obession to Toddlers and Tiaras, even though it disgusts me, its pure entertainment.
28.) I love zombies and I pray there will be a one day zombie apocolypse sometime in my life.
29.) I love shooting guns
30.) I am all FOR gay rights
31.) I crave cookies on a daily basis
32.) Quotes are my weakness
33.) I love to read. I could read 24 hours a day.
34.) To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby are my favorite books ever.
35.) I will be a Backstreet boys fan for the rest of my life. #bsbordie
36.) Tangled is my favorite Disney movie. If anything has Repunzel, I will buy it.
37.) I believe that mermaids exist. 100%
38.) Being a gentleman and ALWAYS wearing their wedding ring is the sexiest thing a man could do. (cough cough Tony is awesome at this, still to this day he opens the door for me.)
1.) I am OBSESSED with the color mint. If it is in mint, I will buy it.
2.) I own more shoes than clothes, it drives Tony crazy. 100 pairs to be exact. I have a problem.
3.) I love Sprite zero, it is the only soda that I will drink.
4.) I take pictures of everything. I never want to forget anything, Instagram is my best friend.
5.) I hate getting out of bed in the morning
6.) I have a really really hard time dieting. I love junk way to much.
7.) I am terrified of the dark.
8.) Halloween is my all time favorite holiday and I will dress up every year, even if we don't end up doing anything.
9.) I love tootsie rolls and strawberry laffy taffys
10.) I hate being home alone. I always have to have a tv on or music playing.
11.) I will be nice to anyone, regardless of what they have done to me. I always give second chances.
12.) With 11 being said, if you mess up on your second, third, or fourth chance...I hold a grudge and I hold it well.
13.) I could live off of Chili's queso dip and chips. YUM!
14.) I refuse to go anywhere in my PJ's. I will always dress up before I leave the house.
15.) Marilyn Monroe is my homegirl!
16.) I love to hashtag stuff.
17.) Any chance I get, I will watch Disney Channel throwback shows. (Lizzie Micguire, Thats so Raven, Even Stevens)
18.) I am addicted to dramatic tv shows, Gossip Girl is the recent one.
19.) I 100% believe that mine and Tony's relationship is as close to perfect as it gets.
20.) I am obsessed with ANYTHING Disney. Vintage Disney is my FAVORITE.
21.) I will never pass up a time to quote Mean Girls.
22.) I am in LOOOOOVE with sloths. Please let me own one!
23.) I love dancing
24.) Minions. that is all I need to say about those adorable little guys.
25.) I can cry on the drop of a hat. I am extremely emotional.
26.) I love Dr. Suess.
27.) I have a secret obession to Toddlers and Tiaras, even though it disgusts me, its pure entertainment.
28.) I love zombies and I pray there will be a one day zombie apocolypse sometime in my life.
29.) I love shooting guns
30.) I am all FOR gay rights
31.) I crave cookies on a daily basis
32.) Quotes are my weakness
33.) I love to read. I could read 24 hours a day.
34.) To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby are my favorite books ever.
35.) I will be a Backstreet boys fan for the rest of my life. #bsbordie
36.) Tangled is my favorite Disney movie. If anything has Repunzel, I will buy it.
37.) I believe that mermaids exist. 100%
38.) Being a gentleman and ALWAYS wearing their wedding ring is the sexiest thing a man could do. (cough cough Tony is awesome at this, still to this day he opens the door for me.)
39.) I love crude humor. Tony and I have an addiction to the "late night comedy" section on Netflix.
40.) I am obsessed with coffee
41.) I am a hair product whore.
42.) I have a problem saving money.
43.) One day, mark my words, I will own an Audi R8
44.) I HATE going to the gym.
45.) Target is my soul mate.
46.) I am a sucker for anything to do with the 90's
47.) I have a hard time letting go of people. I attach myself to people and I make friends verrrry easy.
48.) I hate buying makeup
49.) I would do anything for my sisters or my mom. They are the world to me.
50.) I always try to look at the positive side of things and always life my life to the fullest. :)
Saturday, August 24, 2013
My birthday!
So this last week I had my birthday! I was really not looking forward to it because, even though I am only 23, I feel super old. I am not to sure if it is because I have been married almost 5 years, but I am an old lady. Like any birthday, Tony made it amazing. He had some GORGEOUS flowers delivered to my work and then we went to Park City with some of our friends. We had a great time.
We had a really fun time and I have the greatest friends ever. I am so thankful for each and every one of them and so thankful for Tony being in my life! Hoping for some really awesome things to happen this year of 23....mainly a baby of course! :) YAY for being 23! :)
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The little things in life
On Sunday, we went to a BBQ down at Copperton Park. It got me thinking about high school. Copperton Park was theeee place to go when I was in high school. My friends and I would always go there, whether it was to sneak into the "haunted" places, ask a boy we've never talked to to a dance, or street racing. Some of these things were so not smart (i.e. street racing on Bacchus highway) but, I never realized how much I cherished all those little moments. While they were happening, I didn't realize that years later I would look back on those and think, "Hey, these are some of the best moments of my life, so make the best of it!" There are some days that I wish I could go back to a time when things were so simple like that. When you didn't have to have the stress of being married, trying for a baby, paying bills, etc. but, I need to remember that all the little things that happen in my life right now, I will look back one day and realize how much they mean to me. I have a problem of hurrying through everything. I hate being late for anything, so I will sit and stress if we aren't at least 10 minutes early. Lately, though, I've been trying to slow down and really take everything in so I don't have the stress that is totally not needed. So here are some small things that have happened in the past week that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Getting matching rings with my sisters! They all say our nicknames. Tianna is T-Hoe, I am Tayla Tot, Talia is Hee Haw. They all have infinity signs on them. As soon as Tianna turns 18, we will be getting sister tattoos that are infinity signs. Kinda silly rings, but so much fun!
A little family BBQ with my sister. Tony is awesome at the BBQ. There is nothing quite as nice as sitting on the porch,. drinking a beer, and eating good food while watching Gypsie run around playing.
Seeing Sophie, my niece, and Tony together. Sophie gets really scared of boys, no matter who it is. So this moment when she walked up to Tony and wanted to hold his hand was huge. She was just eating cake and talking away with him. My.favorite.picture.ever.
My nephew, Hudson, any time I get to spend with this cutie is worth it!
Going down the slides at Copperton with Sophie. She wanted me to sit on her lap while going down so she could protect me like I was protecting her on the big slides. she is such a sweetie.
Getting pictures like this while I am at work. Tony will send me a funny picture of him and Gypsie every night that I work just to say that he misses me. I honestly look forward to those every time.
Cafe Rio and Farmer's market on a Saturday morning! Nothing better.
Working with my best friend after I haven't seen him for weeks. The plus with this, Shark hats got left behind. I got a good laugh out of this, not sure if anyone else did.
Tony being obsessed with his car. Dragging me to take pictures of it because he just cleaned it. :) He's an awesome photographer and I kind of like watching him bending down to get those shots. ;)
Getting matching rings with my sisters! They all say our nicknames. Tianna is T-Hoe, I am Tayla Tot, Talia is Hee Haw. They all have infinity signs on them. As soon as Tianna turns 18, we will be getting sister tattoos that are infinity signs. Kinda silly rings, but so much fun!
A little family BBQ with my sister. Tony is awesome at the BBQ. There is nothing quite as nice as sitting on the porch,. drinking a beer, and eating good food while watching Gypsie run around playing.
Seeing Sophie, my niece, and Tony together. Sophie gets really scared of boys, no matter who it is. So this moment when she walked up to Tony and wanted to hold his hand was huge. She was just eating cake and talking away with him. My.favorite.picture.ever.
My nephew, Hudson, any time I get to spend with this cutie is worth it!
Going down the slides at Copperton with Sophie. She wanted me to sit on her lap while going down so she could protect me like I was protecting her on the big slides. she is such a sweetie.
Getting pictures like this while I am at work. Tony will send me a funny picture of him and Gypsie every night that I work just to say that he misses me. I honestly look forward to those every time.
Cafe Rio and Farmer's market on a Saturday morning! Nothing better.
Working with my best friend after I haven't seen him for weeks. The plus with this, Shark hats got left behind. I got a good laugh out of this, not sure if anyone else did.
Tony being obsessed with his car. Dragging me to take pictures of it because he just cleaned it. :) He's an awesome photographer and I kind of like watching him bending down to get those shots. ;)
xoxo: Tay ♥
Friday, August 9, 2013
Today.. ♥
So, Tony has been, literally, begging me lately to make a blog. I'm not sure why, I think it might be because I have had an awful memory lately (it must be my old age, almost 23 will do ya in). He just wants me to remember every little detail about our life right now, which he is right like he always is. If I don't do this I will forget a lot of things and I will regret it one day. So here we are.....
I guess the first thing that I will always want to remember is trying to have a baby. Literally one of the hardest things I have ever gone through A lot of people don't know, but we are heading into our 8th month of trying. I know, i know, it doesn't seem like it's that long, but when you are trying every month feels like it's been a year. I really didn't think I would have a hard time getting prego, all my mom had to do was think about it and BAM the next month she was pregnant. So I thought "Hey, I'll get my IUD out and we will be good to go in a month." After a lot of talking and deciding between Tony and I we decided that December would be a good time to get my IUD out and we would, hopefully, be pregnant and ready by February or March at the latest. I was super nervous the first time we had sex without any protection (sorry if this is way to much information) I even started to cry after we got done. I mean, I would be bringing another human being into this world. I was worried that we weren't financially ready or ready as a couple or ready as just myself. What if I was a horrible mom? What if I had an out of control teenage girl that was on drugs like you see on Maury? So many things were running through my mind because I thought I was going to be pregnant so soon. So long story short, Here we are in the 8th month of "trying" Honestly, I am glad that it didn't happen right away, because I do tend to overthink EVERYTHING and I did freak myself out big time. Now, though, I am so beyond ready it isn't even funny. If you haven't really tried for a baby you don't really understand how shitty it is every month when your little friend aunt flo starts. I used to think that people who had been trying for years who acted all crazy each month that they weren't pregnant were weird. Like, stick a tampon up there and try again next month, not that big of a deal. I had NO idea and if you haven't tried before you have no idea how hard and how crazy it makes you. I feel so bad for Tony every month that little "friend" comes along. It is an all out cry fest every.single.time. It is so hard for me to get on Facebook and every day someone new is pregnant or just had their baby. I know that I am just noticing it more because it is something I don't have, but it sucks. It also makes me so sad when I was so responsible for years with birth control and when I am finally ready in all aspects, I can't seem to have it. It makes me feel so bad about myself. I know how bad Tony wants a child of his own and I feel like I am not able to give that one thing to him, and it is something that is beyond my control. I am just praying that I am not one of those women who have to try for 4 years and go through all of the awful treatments and tests to get it figured out and find out that they aren't able to have a child of their own. I do try to look at the positive side of everything though, I guess the silver lining to this is that Tony and I have bonded so much more and have been so much more understanding of one another. He knows that this is something he can not fix and he just lets me cry it out for a couple hours every month and then I can just stick a tampon up there and try again for the next month. I appreciate that so much and I don't think he realizes how much it helps to just have him be there for a shoulder to cry on. This whole experience had made me really feel for woman who have tried and tried and just can't seem to get it. It has made me so much more of a compassionate person towards everyone. It goes to show that you really don't know how a person is feeling on the inside or what is going on behind the scenes. It's really crazy how something that could really break a person down, big time, has made me realize what other people are going through as well. So I guess that this is quite possibly a blessing in disguise. It has only been 8 months, even though it feels like its been 4 years, so I am really hoping that it will all happen soon. Thank you so much to all my co workers who will always support me when my period starts at work after it had been 10 days late this last month and I thought this was the baby month and I needed that minute alone to shed a few tears. To my friends who will always have Tony's and mines back and have been the best support system. To my mom and sisters, even though this whole trying thing was supposed to be a surprise to Tony's family and mine, I really need my mom's support and awesome advice every month. At least it will still be a surprise to Tony's family when it finally happens! ;) And finally a HUGE thank you to Tony, I REALLLLLLLY lucked out scoring this guy. He always supports me no matter what. I honestly would be totally lost without him in my life. I count on him for everything and this is no exception. He has been truly amazing and so so supportive even though I know how hard this is for him too.
So, there is my first real blog post. It did feel good to get it all out! Why does Tony always have to be right? I'll end with a quote since Pinterest is the death of me and they have that quote section that I pin a million things. So I might as well get a use out of them right?
I guess the first thing that I will always want to remember is trying to have a baby. Literally one of the hardest things I have ever gone through A lot of people don't know, but we are heading into our 8th month of trying. I know, i know, it doesn't seem like it's that long, but when you are trying every month feels like it's been a year. I really didn't think I would have a hard time getting prego, all my mom had to do was think about it and BAM the next month she was pregnant. So I thought "Hey, I'll get my IUD out and we will be good to go in a month." After a lot of talking and deciding between Tony and I we decided that December would be a good time to get my IUD out and we would, hopefully, be pregnant and ready by February or March at the latest. I was super nervous the first time we had sex without any protection (sorry if this is way to much information) I even started to cry after we got done. I mean, I would be bringing another human being into this world. I was worried that we weren't financially ready or ready as a couple or ready as just myself. What if I was a horrible mom? What if I had an out of control teenage girl that was on drugs like you see on Maury? So many things were running through my mind because I thought I was going to be pregnant so soon. So long story short, Here we are in the 8th month of "trying" Honestly, I am glad that it didn't happen right away, because I do tend to overthink EVERYTHING and I did freak myself out big time. Now, though, I am so beyond ready it isn't even funny. If you haven't really tried for a baby you don't really understand how shitty it is every month when your little friend aunt flo starts. I used to think that people who had been trying for years who acted all crazy each month that they weren't pregnant were weird. Like, stick a tampon up there and try again next month, not that big of a deal. I had NO idea and if you haven't tried before you have no idea how hard and how crazy it makes you. I feel so bad for Tony every month that little "friend" comes along. It is an all out cry fest every.single.time. It is so hard for me to get on Facebook and every day someone new is pregnant or just had their baby. I know that I am just noticing it more because it is something I don't have, but it sucks. It also makes me so sad when I was so responsible for years with birth control and when I am finally ready in all aspects, I can't seem to have it. It makes me feel so bad about myself. I know how bad Tony wants a child of his own and I feel like I am not able to give that one thing to him, and it is something that is beyond my control. I am just praying that I am not one of those women who have to try for 4 years and go through all of the awful treatments and tests to get it figured out and find out that they aren't able to have a child of their own. I do try to look at the positive side of everything though, I guess the silver lining to this is that Tony and I have bonded so much more and have been so much more understanding of one another. He knows that this is something he can not fix and he just lets me cry it out for a couple hours every month and then I can just stick a tampon up there and try again for the next month. I appreciate that so much and I don't think he realizes how much it helps to just have him be there for a shoulder to cry on. This whole experience had made me really feel for woman who have tried and tried and just can't seem to get it. It has made me so much more of a compassionate person towards everyone. It goes to show that you really don't know how a person is feeling on the inside or what is going on behind the scenes. It's really crazy how something that could really break a person down, big time, has made me realize what other people are going through as well. So I guess that this is quite possibly a blessing in disguise. It has only been 8 months, even though it feels like its been 4 years, so I am really hoping that it will all happen soon. Thank you so much to all my co workers who will always support me when my period starts at work after it had been 10 days late this last month and I thought this was the baby month and I needed that minute alone to shed a few tears. To my friends who will always have Tony's and mines back and have been the best support system. To my mom and sisters, even though this whole trying thing was supposed to be a surprise to Tony's family and mine, I really need my mom's support and awesome advice every month. At least it will still be a surprise to Tony's family when it finally happens! ;) And finally a HUGE thank you to Tony, I REALLLLLLLY lucked out scoring this guy. He always supports me no matter what. I honestly would be totally lost without him in my life. I count on him for everything and this is no exception. He has been truly amazing and so so supportive even though I know how hard this is for him too.
So, there is my first real blog post. It did feel good to get it all out! Why does Tony always have to be right? I'll end with a quote since Pinterest is the death of me and they have that quote section that I pin a million things. So I might as well get a use out of them right?
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