Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just a little reminder...

So, today got off to a little bit of a rough start for Tony and I. Tony wanted to be to work an hour earlier this morning and I was dropping him off so he could come with me to a doctor appointment for my thyroid this afternoon. (I have anxiety about going to the doctor alone.) Low and behold, we both woke up way late and were in a huge rush, Tony couldn't find his pants he wanted to wear, I was feeling sick (keep your fingers crossed that I am pregnant.) Halfway to work Tony figured out that he left his phone at work, he had a way bad migraine this morning because he is getting off of energy drinks. etc..the list could go on for a bad morning. I was trying to get Tony happier by telling him that he only had 5 hours of work and then we had the whole night together, He wasn't having it. Dropped him off, asked him to please try and have a good day said I love you and I was off.

On my way home I was listening to the radio and the family of the police officer who got shot and killed this past weekend was on. They were saying how amazing he was and how caring and how he was leaving a wife and son behind. It made me bawl of course, I can't handle people losing their husbands because I relate to them so easily. Anyway, it got me thinking, even though I was sooo bugged with Tony being grumpy this morning and he was sooo bugged with me telling him to have a better attitude, This poor lady will never have that again because her husband is gone all thanks to this horrible person who just decided to shoot him. I feel like Tony and I get so caught up in doing everyday things that we forget to slow down and really spend time with eachother and our families or friends. We get so stressed out over bills or house projects and just need to take things slow, in a second it could all be gone.

I do not know what I would do if I was to lose Tony one day. I depend on him for every single thing in my life. If I am having a bad day, frustrated with anything, happy with anything, want to talk to someone, want to go shopping with someone, anything. I always turn to Tony. He is truly my best friend and the love of my life. Sometimes it does scare me how much I love him because if I ever did lose him, I would turn into a vegetable and not be able to function. I feel for this poor lady who lost her husband and her darling little boy. I hope that they can find peace in their situation that they have been put in. I am so happy that I was in the car at that time so that I could hear their story and get a little reminder, at the beginning of a hectic day, to slow things down a little bit and don't take anything for granted.

xoxo. Tay.

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