Friday, December 5, 2014

50 simple ways to be happy

Everything isn’t always as complicated and messy as we have come to believe. Sometimes, life is simply about happiness and the small ways we choose to engage in the beauty of being alive.
  1. Go follow @pugsofinstagram and laugh a little at those goofy freaking dogs.
  2. More importantly, don’t hold back your laughter in life. Smile at the silly antidotes that make life amusing. Laugh loud and genuinely. Give those bursts of joy all you have because you only have so many.
  3. Cling to your moral compass. Believe in the values that compose who you are and never allow others the power to strip that from you.
  4. Make pancakes whenever possible.
  5. Don’t forget your hobbies, they will save your soul one day. Try to set aside a little time for the little things you love.
  6. Have an open mind. Let the walls of your brain be temporary and kind to the existence of new ideas.
  7. Play. Play with your friends. Play with your pets. Play with your family. Play.
  8. Retain a hunger for knowledge. Let life teach you and understand at the core of your being that there will never be a day that you don’t need to continue to learn.
  9. Exercise forgiveness. Let your heart release the evil that weighs it down.
  10. When with your significant other, take a second to really look at them. Follow the curves of their body and study the pigment of their eyes. Watch the way they light up with a smile. Melt a little when you see them. Appreciate the beauty of those you love and let it captivate you.
  11. In addition to actually seeing the people you love, touch them. Give strong hugs. Lay on a long kiss that makes you ease into it with your whole body and forget everything else. Feel and physically exist with others.
  12. Blast a song in your car like you did when you first landed your driver’s license and the stereo was essentially the best part. Let the music consume you and vibrate life through you.
  13. Cuddle.
  14. Go outside.
  15. Seriously, if there aren’t any hazardous weather conditions outside, get out there as soon as you can. You can take five minutes from the day to just breathe in the air and let the sunshine warm your face.
  16. Don’t be afraid to fall in love.
  17. Love who you are while still constantly working towards self betterment. Know that you’ll always have room to grow.
  18. Share your funniest stories.
  19. Explore. The world is filled with unimaginable beauty if you take the chance to discover it. Traveling can be expensive, but you would be surprised by how many amazing places you can uncover in only a short distance from your home.
  20. Give yourself “me time” whenever life gets too overwhelming.
  21. Be completely enthralled by the people you are with. Put away the phone and emails while you are trying to have a conversation with someone. Half-hearted interactions are disguised failures.
  22. Be humble.
  23. Be imaginative.
  24. Be brave.
  25. Search for the positivity in your life and share it with others.
  26. Exercise your body as you do your brain. Train it to be healthy and strong in a way that supports you and all of your dreams.
  27. Look at the stars.
  28. Give real meaning to the phrase “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” and actually try to understand the perspective of others. It is so easy to judge or be angry with others without taking into consideration why they behave or feel the way they do.
  29. No man or woman carries the same burden as any other, and that is a beautiful obstacle we all must work to overcome and learn from each day.
  30. Express yourself freely.
  31. Take road trips.
  32. Dance.
  33. Let yourself be vulnerable and share your deepest thoughts.
  34. Show yourself to the people around you and allow them love you for all that you truly are.
  35. Indulge in a few Netflix marathons when you are feeling down.
  36. Let yourself have a good cry if you need one.
  37. Be healthy while still understanding that it is still OK to go for the extra cookie every once in awhile.
  38. Cookies won’t kill you, I swear. I’m a firm believer that they may actually be saviors in some ways.
  39. Try to do the things that scare you.
  40. Take photos.
  41. Play games. Anything from shooting hoops in the drive way to a deadly game of Go-Fish can do wonders for your overall happiness.
  42. Learn to love the beauty of the mini-conversation with the office janitor or check-out lady at the grocery. Too often we walk through our days ignoring the little opportunities we have to influence others.
  43. Spend more time with animals. Cuddle with your kitty. Throw the ball with your dog and laugh at all the funny ways he tries to grab it from the air. Love them for their innocent companionship and let them love you.
  44. Keep a list of goals and work towards them.
  45. Stop passing judgements. The condemnation of others will never make you better and won’t ultimately make you feel better either.
  46. Take a few cat naps.
  47. Create. Use your imagination and talent to create anything from a superb batch of brownies to a DIY Pinterest creation for your new apartment.
  48.  Laugh at yourself.
  49. Engage in the activities that cause you to be sincerely proud of yourself. These are the moments where you can feel in the pit of your stomach that you are doing something solely because it makes you feel accomplished, happy, and meaningful. Keep feeling that way and working towards those moments.
  50. Make a difference. Make a difference with your work, with your smile, with your bare hands, or with your heart. You are alive; live each day understanding what an incredible opportunity that is. You are an opportunity for greatness, so seize it.

just a little faith

Since my whole entire life is all up in the air right now (slight exaggeration, but it feels like it.) I have been going through all my things from my whole life. I came across one of my journals that I had wrote when I was younger. For a young woman's activity at girl's camp we had to write a 'letter to ourselves at the age of 25' So since I am almost 25 and I see that nothing, literally nothing, I had planned out for myself has happened, I was kind of a wreck. Life was such a simpler time when I was 12. I wrote things like travel to Disneyland twice a year, be happily married, have two kids, have a hot sexy husband like Aaron carter (gag me.), be finished with school and doing a job that I love, have a huge house with a huge yard, and just to be happy. It is crazy to think about how much life changes in such a short amount of time. I feel like this entire year has been from one extreme to the other. I am either super duper happy or super duper sad. I am not sure if I have been just content this whole year, which is weird for me. I am usually so happy-go-lucky and this year I have been totally 10000% opposite from that. The most major thing was getting divorced, even though it was mostly my decision, it was easily the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. There is no way to explain going from thinking this person who is your absolute best friend and you will be with them until you grow old and die like Noah and Ali did at the end of The Notebook, they could quite possibly not be there anymore and get that experience with someone else. It's quite literally heartbreaking, whether it is your choice or not your choice, you have given some of your happiest and saddest times in your life to this person. I promise you that I have honestly felt what it feels to have your heart break and it sucks. Dealing with this the whole year and trying to balance school, a semi-new relationship, 2 jobs, supporting myself....It was super overwhelming. I do not do well with not knowing the future, I am a planner and a control freak. I want to control every aspect of my life, whether it is peoples emotions or their actions, how they think of me, anything. I mean, seriously people, this is a problem. A huge problem that I have to go through counseling for (how embarrassing is that?!) I have been trying to let go of this problem that I have and just go with the flow, because honestly it is impossible to control your future. This concept has also been something that has been super hard for me. I have learned a great, great deal about myself that I never knew before. One thing that is keeping me "keepin' on" is faith...I am not a religious person at all anymore. I have grown up LDS and my extended family is LDS, but I figured out along the way that I enjoy things in life, such as coffee (trust me, you don't want to see me in the morning when I go without it) and I love myself a good book and a nice glass of wine as well as the occasional shot of whiskey. Also, I love a good swear word time to time (by that, I mean every day.) so needless to say, the LDS lifestyle wasn't really for me. Plus, I have had many experiences in my church going days with people that have totally turned me away from going to church. With that little rant being over, I do still believe in a God, Jesus, Heavenly Father, Allah, whatever he may be called. I have had way to many experiences throughout my life to make me think that there is nothing else out there, especially now. Throughout all of this I have honestly known that I am not alone and I know that there is something bigger out there that knows what the plan for my life is and I have to trust that. Anytime I try to control a situation is when things go to shit, if I just sit back and chill and let things happen I start to notice the wonderful things that I have in my life. I honestly do have the best family. My mom, sisters, and my dad.....they have never given up on me. Even in times when I thought they did and I was a total and complete Bitch with a capital B, they still were there. I have amazing friends....I have lost a lot of friends throughout this year, but I have also kept and made new amazing friends who will sometimes just call or text to just say hi and they know I need a friend. They will text me until 4:00 in the morning if I need too or take me out on the weekend to help me forget about things. Or will come over to my house just because I send one text and they know I need someone (Christy, this means you! Thank you for that night.) I never realized how lucky I was with the friendships that I have made until I really needed friends. I have the best jobs...chuck-a-rama is honestly the hardest and the best place to work. I have met the most amazing people here and they are honestly my second family and I am so thankful for everyone there and every bit of little drama that happens. I don't know where my life would be if I didn't have these people in my life. Also, my job at the hospital. God always makes it known when I am complaining about my day, that it could be worse. I see the strongest children and the strongest parents there everyday and it honestly gives me the strength that I need. I am honestly so thankful for my life, somedays it is hard to say that and hard to believe it because it is such a shit storm of a life right now, but it is perfectly imperfect and I wouldn't have it any other way.

xoxo- tay

Thursday, August 28, 2014


I have had a lot of people ask me lately if I am happy and the conversation and topic of happiness comes up a lot more than normal lately, which is super weird. Of course at the hospital of all places is where it gets brought up the most....(what kind of blog post would this be if I didn't include my besties at my job? Who do you think I am?) Anyways, it has got me thinking, what is happiness?

Happiness can mean so many different things to so many different people. It could be something as small as getting to choice a toy after getting your blood drawn, your wedding day, your children being born, the feeling of falling in love, your first kiss, finding out you are pregnant, someone smiling at you, or just simply hearing something that you needed to hear at the right moment. Happiness to me is the undeniable feeling of knowing that you are in love with someone, when someone knows you need a hug or someone to talk to and they put everything that has happened in the past to just be with you, someone who knows and shows interest in your life, and puts your needs before their own-I mean, I am a little in love with the movie Frozen and I do have basically the whole thing memorized because kids go crazy for that show- so to quote Olaf, love and happiness is putting someones needs before your own, no matter what the situation is. Another thing that is happiness to me is forgiveness...which is probably the hardest thing for anyone to have to do....But I feel like it is worth it. Happiness is memories that you will never forget with people who mean everything to you.  To me, happiness is also dancing and that feeling of letting go-recently, on a total limb, I tried out for SLCC's dance company, literally I decided the night before that I was going to try out. Clearly, I didn't make it because I would be shouting from the mountain tops of excitement, but the instructor told me that I was really amazing and just gave me a list of three things to "brush up on" and told me to try out again and I basically was guaranteed a spot....I was pretty damn proud because I haven't really danced in over a year. So I mean, if that isn't happiness I don't know what is.

So...just ask yourself on this fine night, what is happiness to you??


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Heartbreak Hotel

        So I have this little....quirk? I guess you could say about me, I am not sure if it is a really good or a really bad thing. I fall in love with people, things, ideas, anything to fast and I hold onto that. Even if you have been in my life for 10 minutes (like most of the kids at the hospital that I truly love with every being of my heart.) I will love you. Not the type of "romantic" love, but I just genuinely care about people. It is an amazement that I am not a hoarder because everything reminds me of something and it is so hard to let go of it....I mean I am a clean freak and I go through phases that I clean out my closet like crazy every other month.Thank God.  


 Anyways, with this lovely little problem that I have I hold onto things and no matter what someone has done, I always will care about them and I will always do anything for them. It is hard because I have had some people who have really effed me over in the past and all they would have to do is call me and say "Hey homegirl, I am so sorry for the way that shit went down, yo" and I would be like "awww naw beeotch its fine! Let's go get some lunch!" (Because clearly I talk like a gangster in my every day life and I love to eat.)  Sometimes though, I drive myself crazy because I will sit and think and think and think of these people who have come into my life and how much I miss the people that are out of it and I just want everyone who I love to be in a big giant neighborhood and I can go over to their house every day and tell them all how much I love and care for them. Creepy right?

I am at a point in my life that I have to let go of some people and things and it is sooo hard for me. I just hate change and I hate having to let go, and I have too. Growing up is the hardest thing that I have ever done because I have to make grown up decisions and have grown up consequences for my actions. How do you live with that? How do you wake up every morning and put a smile on your face and act like everything is great? I would so love to be in high school again and have my biggest concern being what I was going to wear in the morning and if my mom would catch me sluffing class and I would run into her at the mall. Those times were so much easier and the little problems seemed like the end of the world.

(I mean let's be real, this is a serious problem.)

I don't know where my life is going to take me and the thought of that scares me because I like everything to be planned out, and I have no idea where to even begin with that. I don't know if I will be part of the #foreveralone club, or if I will have a baby and end up in my own happily ever after, but I think that is the point of life, I am starting to realize, You can't have a plan. I tried to have a plan, I tried to plan for exact seconds to have a baby, I tried to plan my whole marriage- and now I am faced with a divorce right in front of my damn face. Nothing that I have planned for myself has happened and I have to accept that and learn to move on from it. Even though, this part of my life, is the hardest part that I have had to face and deal with, am I going to become a better person from it? Maybe, I have no idea...right now it doesn't feel like I am, but who knows, clearly nothing goes according to plan. The only thing that keeps me from dying of sadness, watching Netflix all day, eating my weight in Reeses sticks and binge drinking, is the thought that


Sometimes, ex: this morning, I had to tell myself that over and over and over again before work and I have to find a little something that makes me happy everyday. Today it was the fact that I DID, indeed, have Reeses Sticks just waiting for me to devour them for breakfast.....Don't judge, I may or may not be on a diet currently. Also, for the very first time in my life, I have straight A's in school, this is a huge accomplishment for myself. I mean it took me long enough to finally get my head out of my ass and do good in school. 

Oh hey, Ryan! Thanks for your motivation

Of course the kids at my work make me so happy and make me feel like everything is going to be okay because they are so positive and so happy, and of course I have had 4 down syndrome patients already today and if those guys don't make your whole day light up, I don't know what will! 

Anyways, my point with this all is that everything happens for a reason and today is a new day to make changes and become a better person, and as hard as this whole, seemingly easy concept is for me to's life and I have to accept it or else it will consume my life. And to everyone reading this, I love you all, deeply and am so thankful for the people who have come in and out of my life, because luckily I CAN hoard my memories and I don't have to ever clear those out if I don't want too. 

Peace and blessings Y'all


Saturday, July 12, 2014

What is love?

Maybe feeling a little nostalgic tonight or feeling sorry for myself tonight, either way, its 12:00 at night and I have to be up in 4 hours to go to to work and work until 10:00 at night, but here I am in bed thinking...of course what else do you do when you can't sleep.
Anyways, I have an amazing job and working with sick kids and parents who have to go through unimaginable things really puts life into perspective for me. I had something happen today that I just can't get out of my head. I went into this kids room and he was 20 years old, but he was developing at the age of a 5-7 year old. He was in a wheelchair and couldn't straighten out any of his limbs or fingers all the way and it broke my heart...clearly it would, I am like the most sensitive person in the world. Anyways, I had to do a finger poke on him because he couldn't straighten his arms. I pulled up a seat and sat right next to him and took his hand and did my thing, I was kind of lost in my own head and going through the motions because I didn't really think he could talk, but all the sudden he asked me "What kind of car do you drive?" It kind of took me a little by surprise, but I answered him with a Mazda 3 and asked him if he liked cars and he said that he loved them and then started laughing. I asked him why he was laughing and he told me "I am just happy." I asked why are you so happy? He answered me with "Today is just a great day!" and he went back to banging on some cups that his dad had brought him. I honestly don't know why this stands out to me so much and maybe it is just because I have had a horrible day and lately been so worried about me and what is going on in my life.....but this kid was in the hospital and can't do things that normal kids his age can do and yet he is still having a great day and I don't even know why. Another thing that stood out to me about this boy, I was talking to his dad while I was labeling his blood and his dad told me that they took him in as a foster child because no one else would take him and they have loved him just as much, if not more, than their "normal" children. It just got me to thinking, what is love? You have some sort of idea of what love should be from movies like The Notebook or some other "perfect" love story movie, But the problem with that is that you have some fake idea of what love should be like in your head. You think you should have some hot Ryan Gosling look-a-like who will climb to the top of a ferris wheel to get a date with you, dance with you in the middle of the street, and build the house you've always wanted and wait for you to come back to them. But this just isn't the truth. This perfect love story misses so many key points that come with love. What did Noah and Allie do when they were trying for months and years to get pregnant and it wasn't happening when everyone else around them were? What did they do when someone in the relationship cheats on the other person? What did they do when divorce is brought into the equation? There are so many examples of love and to me, not one of the things that happen in The Notebook is true love. It is nice to think about a Ryan Gosling/ Noah Calhoun being my husband, because lets face it.....hes perfect. But, I just think that I got to caught up in trying to find this perfect unrealistic thing that isn't real. Real life has real problems, you fuck up more than once. (excuse my if you are reading this.) but honestly, I have fucked up somethings and I don't even know how to begin to fix them....I want to go into detail about them, but I just don't feel like its the right time and the right people know about what is going on in my life and I want to keep it that way for a while. Basically, I am at a point in my life that I feel very confused and very emotional and very scared and I am not quite sure how to deal with it. All I want in my life is to be happy....I want to be happily married in a marriage that I KNOW can survive anything, I want to have a baby.....I want this so bad and I don't think I have been quiet on this subject, I know that maybe right now isn't the right time for that to happen and accepting that is the hardest thing that I will ever have to do. I am just at a crossroads in my life and I am not sure what way is up and what way is down and for once I don't have an answer or a solution for anything. It is just one of those things that I either have to jump into it head first or let it hurt me in the end...but I just realized today that I need to stop trying to have a plan for everything and I need to let things happen the way that they are ment to happen. I need to care about other people a little bit more then I care about myself, and I need to let people be happy. I am just thankful for my job and making me sit back and think about things a little more. As my homeboy Walt Disney once said, "It would make the world a beautiful place if everyone could see things through the eyes of a child." (I tried to find the picture, but I have to many damn pins on my Pinterest) But anyways, that quote is so true and I hope one day I realize the true meaning of love and that I will feel worthy enough to receive that. I think that is what every girl wishes for in their life right? Maybe I have had it before and maybe I have it right this second in my life, or maybe that happiness is in the future, but I do believe that their is a plan for me and for everyone and I believe that every person comes into someones life for a reason, maybe I was sent into this boys room today to help me along on this little crazy journey called life. Either way, I am so thankful for him and so thankful for his father for showing me a piece of happiness and true love. This blog probably makes no sense and is all over the place, so I am going to go to bed now and hopefully be able to get up at 4:00 in the morning! Coffee day tomorrow! #hollaatyogurl



Sunday, June 8, 2014


So this week I had the pleasure of seeing my sister graduate......pretty crazy experience. I had to work a graveyard shift before so I went into this with no sleep after drawing little tiny babies in the NICU all night. Needless to say, it was the best graduation ever. SO much better then mine, and it left me in tears. Not only does Copper Hills now have the greatest principle I have ever had the honor of hearing speak, but I got to witness something amazing. There was a boy in Tal's class who's dad accidentally shot him and he was told that he would be paralyzed and would never walk again, He walked across the entire stage to receive his was amazing and so inspiring.

I had a really hard time at her graduation, I honestly loved high school. If i could have the opportunity to go back and do it all again, I would in a heartbeat. I think graduations are kind of silly, because they all talk about how you've received all this knowledge and you can go out and conquer the world and do anything blah blah blah. Honestly, its all bull shit. I learned nothing in high school that I use in my daily life.....I don't really use math, I don't use english, Who knows the last time that I used science. I feel like I didn't learn much from high school except for how to sluff class and go to the mall without getting caught and how to forge my moms signature for disclosures. Don't get me wrong, I think my sister is the most amazing thing on this whole planet and I KNOW that she is going to go on and do amazing things, but it just makes me sad that you leave high school and your place of comfort and get thrown out into the real world so fast. Maybe it is just me because I got married so quick and had a mortgage payment right away. Either way, every day is a learning experience....In high school my senior year, I was forced to go through something that was really hard for me and I learned who my true friends were and who weren't. It was probably one of the hardest experiences of my life, but since I have graduated I have learned so much and I have totally become a different person. Yeah, I have made some huge mistakes, but you learn from  them and you move on. High school was just such a simple time in my life and the little drama that I had I look back and wish that could be all I was dealing with right now. Then things like that boy walked across the stage hits you right in the face and you realize that things could be worse and it makes you so grateful for what you have and makes you want to be a better person. So needless to say, I am so proud of my sister. She is the most amazing and gorgeous thing that I have ever seen and I am so thankful that I was chosen to be her older sister. I know that she is going to go on and do amazing things and make an amazing life for herself. I am so thankful for my amazing family and how adorable they are. I am so thankful for my high school experience and it is going to be something that I am going to treasure and remember for the rest of my life, and it is the thing that has shaped me to be who I am today.

I am trying to not post pictures on facebook all summer, just pictures on here so I have a reason to blog more and because it feels more personal. Soooo we will see how well that goes because I am an instagram a holic.   How cute are my pink shoes by the way?! My mom hated them, but they were adorable. (Holla at my homegirl Kalei for still having my dress so I still have your shoes! ;)) I hope that one day my blog posts will be as hilarious as Talia's are and not all the sentimental shit that I always post about. If you want a good laugh click here and read her blog. 

Anyways, I have a lot more to say, but I don't feel like this is the right time for me.....yet. So stay tuned and I hope to write more and more and more this summer! 


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Things I am starting to learn in my 20's..

I am really weird about age and this year- 5 months to be exact- I am turning 24... I know that is not SUPER old, but I feel old. Maybe its the fact that I have a mortgage and have been married for 5 years, but whatevs...its more than halfway to 40. My middle sister is leaving for college in St. George in August and I am super stressed out about it...She seems way to young to be living by herself at a party school, I'll probably spend every waking moment worried if she is hungover trying to do her homework and not flunk out of college....then I think "Come on Tay, she isn't you, she didn't spend her entire senior year at the mall instead of school and she has gotten awesome grades all through high school and has a good head on her shoulders." It's just crazy to think at her age I was planning a wedding and looking at houses, with my own choice I wasn't having a baby or whatever to sway my decision to be with Tony or not. I have been having a hard time lately with Talia leaving and dealing with the fact that she is going to be doing something with her life and I am stuck in the same exact place that I was when I was 18, I have the same job, no college degree, the same house, the same shit in my house...quite honestly the only thing that has changed in the last 5 1/2 years is my weight....which I am not proud of by the way! But, looking back on the past 5 years I have learned some things that will help me not be so depressed and down on myself all.the.time. So that is where the idea for this blog post came around. 

-It's okay to say thank you to a compliment. If someone tells you "Hey! You have awesome hair today!" You can say JUST Thank you! If you don't like their hair you don't have to say some bull shit compliment about them too. I read an article in Cosmo about this subject and it's so true. All the time someone would compliment me and I would hurry and think of something back to say to them, even if it wasn't true. That isn't sincere and that doesn't help build them up, so if you don't really mean it just say thank you and move on. 

-Marriage is tough. It's not lovey dovey all the time. You grow up and you have real problems 60% of the time. 

-Your sisters and your mom are always going to be your best friend, you just never realized it. You go through your whole life hating them all the time and when you move out you realize just how much you care about them and would do anything for them. If you and your sister get into a fight, you are forced to work it out so your family dinners won't be awkward and in her weird way she was giving you that push you needed to figure your shit out. No matter what they will always be there and your mom is literally always right. She has always been right about everything your whole life, but luckily she gave you your own space to figure that all out on your own. 

-Sometimes life calls for you to be a bitch, but don't use that to your advantage. If someone hits your parked car and thinks its not their problem to pay for it, it is. Pull out your bitch claws and get that taken care of. You need to know how to stand up for yourself and be able to back yourself up. Don't talk about people behind their back, that doesn't get you anywhere. If you have a problem with someone bring it up to them,  not everyone else. We aren't in high school anymore. 

-You are going to get a "woman's body" I was so stressed out when one morning I woke up with hips and huge boobs, but its okay. Some ladies would kill for that. Accept the fact that you will probs never fit in your size 0 high school Hollister jeans, probably never fit in most of Hollisters clothes again, and move on. Take care of your body and realize that maybe you don't need french fries from McDonalds randomly throughout the will ruin all the hard work at the gym. Make the gym a part of your life because now that you're getting older, you have cholesterol and breast cancer and all that fun stuff to worry about that you can prevent if you work out and eat better. 

-If you don't have your entire life figured out it's okay.  You don't need to have a college degree under your belt to feel good about yourself. Go back to school when you are really ready and will really commit to it, if you do it before you're ready it will just be a waste of time and money. If you don't have a baby by the time everyone else has one, that's okay too. Timing is everything and things will happen when they are supposed to happen with who they are supposed to happen with. It took me a looooong time to realize this one, but you have to trust that everything with be okay and happen how it's supposed too. 

-some people might not like you and that's okay too. You don't need to spend your life worrying about that and trying to make everyone happy to be apart of the "it" crowd. Just be yourself and the people who are ment to be in your life will be there. screw everyone else. Don't change for anyone.

-It's okay to open up and let people in. You don't need to keep everything to yourself and blow up one day. If someone wants to be there to help you and talk you through things.....let them.  Come to terms with the fact that they might hurt you and realize that's okay. It's okay to let your feelings out and lay everything on the table. If they hurt you, pick your baggage up and move on. 

-Travel and laugh more. Life is to short to waste it working to pay the bills. Save up some money and go on the dream vaca that you have always wanted too, if you want to go to Disneyland pick a date and do everything you can to make that happen. Do the things that you really truly want to do before you have kids and those things become harder. If you see a cute pair of boots, buy them. Chances are if you are still thinking about those guys a month later it is ment to be. Don't over think things, just be spontaneous and do them. 

-Sometimes you are going to want to stay in and read a book on a Saturday night instead of go out to a club and drink. Hangovers last longer then 4 hours the older you get, sometimes they last for 2 days and if you work 12 hours the next day you don't want to work that hungover. So stay in and read that book girl! You got this! Learn how to handle yourself when you are drunk, you don't want to be the girl who everyone has to pause their night to take care of and your puking in the street bawling tears! Lets be honest, we have all had that happen, but don't make it a habit. Know your limits and how to have a good time without all the drama. 

-Stop trying to keep people in your life who aren't ment to be there. Your best friend from high school most likely isn't going to be your bestie forever. stop trying to make that happen. Be thankful for the awesome memories that you will always remember and move on. 

-It's okay if one night you want to binge eat pizza and drink beer and watch 5 episodes of South Park or Workaholics. 

-If the 16 year old girl at work doesn't know who the hell Backstreet Boys or The Spice Girls are....don't stress. When they both do their tours you can go rock out with people your age. Who wants to party with youngins anyway?

- Never be that trashy girl who is always posting the F word on her Facebook and flipping off the camera in pictures. That is disgusting. 

-Realize that the years go by way to fast and you shouldn't stress the small things that have no significance to you, you'll make it through and be okay. Life is to short to worry about things like that and work your life away. Just breath and relax, you still have enough time to figure things out. 24 really isn't that old anyways, sometimes that is just the true beginning of your life. ♥  


Monday, February 24, 2014


So a couple of days ago I was reading my horoscope...side note here: I am OBSESSED with astrology, I 100% believe in that stuff. If my horoscope said "Leo, stay home and don't leave the house today or you will die." I would never leave my house. With that being horoscope the other day said to be thankful for the little things in your life and you will receive some awesome blessings. So I was thinking about that and I was realizing that I do have a lot to be thankful for in my life. So I am going to make a list of those because my last post was me being a complaining cathy about mono...which I am fully recovered from by the way, FINALLY.

-Daybreak: I know 9 times out of 10 I complain about living in Daybreak because of the HOA fees or whatevs, but I just went for a run around the lake and it was BEAUTIFUL. I forgot how much I love running around the lake. I do this every year when it starts to get warm and the first couple of runs around the lake are exhilarating, the snow is all melted, the sun is shining, the air is crisp and cold but feels good because you are sweating and it feels amazing. I seriously love it and sets up for the most amazing day.

-Britney Spears: While I am on the running/working out subject, Britney Spears new album is AWESOME to work out too. "Work Bitch" is the greatest song in the world probs. That lady has still got it, I'll tell you what.

-My job:  I work at an awesome place and I have met some of the most amazing people who have made a huge impact in my life working at Chuck-a-rama. There are some days that I absolutely hate working there and honestly telling people that I wait tables/manage a restaurant is sometimes embarrassing, but I make awesome money that I can make a living with and work with my best friends. What can get better then that?

-Cowboy boots; Lately I have had a serious obsession with cowboy boots. They are SO comfortable and go with everything. I am a country girl at heart I think. Yesterday, Tony took me shopping and I got the CUTEST boots in the entire world. I seriously could not stop talking about them and I think by the end of the night Tony was about ready to slap me because I wouldn't shut up about these damn boots.
Seriously, how could you not LOVE these little sweethearts. Thank you JMR for going out of business and having everything 50% off so I got these for $45 instead of $90. obsessed. 

-Country Music: Back to the country girl at heart thing....I am obsessed with country music. It is so weird to think that I used to HATE it. I don't listen to anything but country anymore. Currently listening to Luke Bryan station on Pandora while I type this....amaze balls I tell ya. 

-Luke Bryan: While on the country topic, we are just going to take a moment and be thankful for Luke Bryan. He is amazingly attractive and talented. Those teeth are to die for. 

-The mall: I am a shopaholic and I know how big of a problem it is, but I am so thankful for the mall. Weird, but whatev. 

-My mom: She is the most amazing lady that I have ever met. I know I have talked about her before, but I seriously love her. We had a lot of problems when I was growing up, but now that I am older and married, she is my best friend and I couldn't do anything without her. She has gone through so much in her life and instead of being bitter she isn't. She just takes it and moves on. Last night we were on the phone for 45 mins just talking about the Teem mom specials that were on yesterday. Who does that? Love ya mom! 

-My sisters: Again, growing up, we absolutely hated eachother. If these two girls were not in my life, I don't know where I would be. I don't have kids yet, but I imagine a mothers love when I look at them. I care so much and so deeply about them and if anyone messes with them or says something mean about either one of them on Twitter the claws come out. They have both grown into amazing, beautiful, smart girls and I can't wait to see where life takes them. I am so so thankful to have instant best friends who are just like me and who will ALWAYS be there for me. 

-bruised ankles: This one is kind of weird, but this weekend I went out dancing with my friends in Park City and it was so much fun, but I haven't worn high heels in SO long that dancing for 5 hours in them and walking around the streets of PC made my ankles get bruised. Even though running killed me today because they really do hurt, it is worth it. I am so thankful for my friends and all of us having eachothers drunken backs all the time. I am thankful that Tony trusts me enough to let me go to girls nights every month and go to clubs and not even question twice on if I will hit on someone else because he trusts me enough. These things are things that I will always remember and always look back and be so thankful for. 

-Disney Again, a weird one. But I am thankful for Disney. Everytime I am feeling sad or having a bad day, I can always pop in a Disney movie or Disney Pandora and instantly feel happier. Don't ask me why, but I am just obsessed with Disney. 

-Dancing: I love to dance. I stopped dancing for a while and I really wish that I didn't, but oh well. I feel so free and alive when dancing. Sometimes (cough cough, this morning) I'll just turn on Pandora and dance around my house while cleaning up. Dancing with the girls, Dancing with Tony, Country line dancing, dancing in the kitchen with my friends at work. I feel like my day is not complete if I haven't done some sort of dance move. 

-Summer: I almost wanted to type the words to that summer song here from Frozen. haha. This summer is going to be amazing. I am SO excited. Not only are there a million and a half country concerts that all my money will be going too, It is going to be so warm and I will be tan and hopefully skinnier, I just want to sit by the pool and read a book all day. There is going to be Bear Lake, Fairs, Funnel Cakes, Fireworks, Fourth of July, of course my birthday. AHHH I am just to excited! 

-Tony: Last but not least, my amazing husband. (what blog post would be complete if I didn't mention my love for Tony) Not only does he put up with all my crazy antics.....example from above, dancing to Disney music all the time and being more than obsessed with Luke Bryan and Rick from The Walking Dead, but, last night we were talking and randomly he just told me some of the things that he loves about me....It ment so much to me. The things that I thought drove him crazy are the things that are his favorite. I asked him what he would do if I didn't do some of those crazy things, and he told me that I wouldn't be me and he probably wouldn't be with me because he loves them so much. Now, as I am bawling typing this, he is amazing and I really truly got so lucky to be with him. Sometimes I lose sight with that, but then he will do little things to make me remember how perfect he is. Not only did he take me shopping last night because I was DYING to go, he took me to Olive Garden because I was craving it the whole time that I had mono...Have you ever realized how many Olive Garden commercials there are in a day? A lot I tell you. Anyways, he wasn't feeling good and was so tired because I spend a really long time at the mall, but he still took me to make me happy and it was probably the best meal of my entire life. He is just perfect and I will forever be grateful for him coming into my life and choosing me to spend the rest of his life with and have a family with. I know he will be reading this so I love you Tone and thank you so much for loving me for me and not wanting me to change. 

I feel like this is a really long list, but once I started I couldn't stop. Some of these things are silly, but I am so thankful for my life and the things that I have been blessed with and it is nice to take a step back from the busyness and look at the tiny things that you sometimes skip over. So thank you horoscope for making me think about it! That guy always knows what is best for me. ;) 

xox-tay ♥ 

ps: forgot to mention the greatest movie in the world and the most fun to quote. So there is my final thought for the day. I hope you had a good long laugh like I did when I found this pin! :) 


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


So I have been slacking horribly at this guy, I honestly have had so much going on that hasn't been good that I didn't want to be one of "those people" who complained all the time. So I have just stayed away, but, these last couple weeks I have had mono (worst sickness ever, I hope no one ever has to have it) and I have been stuck in bed doing nothing but watching crappy reality tv and HBO all day, I had to get up and do something different, so here we are.

So, last night Tony and I had a really really good talk about our lives and were we were headed. We haven't had a very awesome 2013 year to be honest, it was probably the hardest year of my entire life...there was so much crap that had happened and then there was the whole baby thing that wasn't fun at all. The hardest part was though at the end of the year Tony and I started having problems in our marriage, I NEVER in life thought that would happen to us, in my mind we were the strongest couple ever and we could get through anything, which we could mostly. I feel like we were both so stressed out with random bills coming up and our regular bills, he was working a ton, I was working 6 nights a week and some of those were 12 hour days so I was NEVER seeing Tony. and it was HARD. Marriage is not an easy thing. We got married when I was 18 and he was 21 and I was so excited and I thought it would be like a sleepover every night with my best friend.....not like that at all. It is something that you have to work at and there are some days that you don't know how are you going to make it to the next day. To make a long story short, we both did somethings that we regret and we had to go through those things to get back to eachother and get our lives back in order. Tony is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me in my life and I know that I was ment to be with him for a reason, I know that I was ment to go through the trials that we have together with him. I am extremely lucky and I will never take that for granted again. Other things that I won't take for granted is drinking, with this mono my throat has been so swollen that I have hardly been able to drink...I had to go into the doctor and get 3 bags of fluid through an IV because I was so dehydrated, 3!!! Now, I am slowly drink water through a straw, when I just want to guzzle it, but I can't. bleh.
-Talking, I will start to talk but then get tired or my throat will start to hurt so I will have to stop and text Tony even though he is sitting right next to me.
-Singing in the car, for anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge car singer. Let me tell you how much torture it is to not sing in that guy. I don't even want to listen to music because I can't just belt it out.Tony is probs happy that he gets a little break from that one though.
-eating, ALL I want is doritos and ALL I can eat is soup. I think that is all I can say about that subject.
-Kissing, Tony will not kiss me on the lips until I am better. I miss his kisses every second of the day! :(

okay, that is all of the feeling sorry for myself. I guess the point of this blog was to just tell Tony thank you for being amazing and to complain a little bit about this horrible sickness and to try and get into blogging again. We have a lot of fun plans for this year. We have decided to just not even think about a baby and just let it happen on its own time. Our 5 year anniversary is coming up in April and we are going on a family vacation to Northern California and staying on a beach house. I have made it my goal to wake up early every morning and go running and watch the sunrise on the beach. I also told Tony that I want to ride horses on the beach, that has always been my dream. ahhhh I can't even wait! We are also going to go to Southern California in October and do the whole Disneyland Halloween that we used to do and see LUKE  BRYAN in concert in LA. HoLLA! So exciting! So I am hoping that this year will be much better than last with all the fun things that we have planned and that our baby will come in its time and it will be so worth it! Thanks for reading my pointless blog of the day!

xoxo-gossip girl (did I mention that I've watched a loooot of netflix?? haha)