Friday, December 5, 2014

50 simple ways to be happy

Everything isn’t always as complicated and messy as we have come to believe. Sometimes, life is simply about happiness and the small ways we choose to engage in the beauty of being alive.
  1. Go follow @pugsofinstagram and laugh a little at those goofy freaking dogs.
  2. More importantly, don’t hold back your laughter in life. Smile at the silly antidotes that make life amusing. Laugh loud and genuinely. Give those bursts of joy all you have because you only have so many.
  3. Cling to your moral compass. Believe in the values that compose who you are and never allow others the power to strip that from you.
  4. Make pancakes whenever possible.
  5. Don’t forget your hobbies, they will save your soul one day. Try to set aside a little time for the little things you love.
  6. Have an open mind. Let the walls of your brain be temporary and kind to the existence of new ideas.
  7. Play. Play with your friends. Play with your pets. Play with your family. Play.
  8. Retain a hunger for knowledge. Let life teach you and understand at the core of your being that there will never be a day that you don’t need to continue to learn.
  9. Exercise forgiveness. Let your heart release the evil that weighs it down.
  10. When with your significant other, take a second to really look at them. Follow the curves of their body and study the pigment of their eyes. Watch the way they light up with a smile. Melt a little when you see them. Appreciate the beauty of those you love and let it captivate you.
  11. In addition to actually seeing the people you love, touch them. Give strong hugs. Lay on a long kiss that makes you ease into it with your whole body and forget everything else. Feel and physically exist with others.
  12. Blast a song in your car like you did when you first landed your driver’s license and the stereo was essentially the best part. Let the music consume you and vibrate life through you.
  13. Cuddle.
  14. Go outside.
  15. Seriously, if there aren’t any hazardous weather conditions outside, get out there as soon as you can. You can take five minutes from the day to just breathe in the air and let the sunshine warm your face.
  16. Don’t be afraid to fall in love.
  17. Love who you are while still constantly working towards self betterment. Know that you’ll always have room to grow.
  18. Share your funniest stories.
  19. Explore. The world is filled with unimaginable beauty if you take the chance to discover it. Traveling can be expensive, but you would be surprised by how many amazing places you can uncover in only a short distance from your home.
  20. Give yourself “me time” whenever life gets too overwhelming.
  21. Be completely enthralled by the people you are with. Put away the phone and emails while you are trying to have a conversation with someone. Half-hearted interactions are disguised failures.
  22. Be humble.
  23. Be imaginative.
  24. Be brave.
  25. Search for the positivity in your life and share it with others.
  26. Exercise your body as you do your brain. Train it to be healthy and strong in a way that supports you and all of your dreams.
  27. Look at the stars.
  28. Give real meaning to the phrase “put yourself in someone else’s shoes” and actually try to understand the perspective of others. It is so easy to judge or be angry with others without taking into consideration why they behave or feel the way they do.
  29. No man or woman carries the same burden as any other, and that is a beautiful obstacle we all must work to overcome and learn from each day.
  30. Express yourself freely.
  31. Take road trips.
  32. Dance.
  33. Let yourself be vulnerable and share your deepest thoughts.
  34. Show yourself to the people around you and allow them love you for all that you truly are.
  35. Indulge in a few Netflix marathons when you are feeling down.
  36. Let yourself have a good cry if you need one.
  37. Be healthy while still understanding that it is still OK to go for the extra cookie every once in awhile.
  38. Cookies won’t kill you, I swear. I’m a firm believer that they may actually be saviors in some ways.
  39. Try to do the things that scare you.
  40. Take photos.
  41. Play games. Anything from shooting hoops in the drive way to a deadly game of Go-Fish can do wonders for your overall happiness.
  42. Learn to love the beauty of the mini-conversation with the office janitor or check-out lady at the grocery. Too often we walk through our days ignoring the little opportunities we have to influence others.
  43. Spend more time with animals. Cuddle with your kitty. Throw the ball with your dog and laugh at all the funny ways he tries to grab it from the air. Love them for their innocent companionship and let them love you.
  44. Keep a list of goals and work towards them.
  45. Stop passing judgements. The condemnation of others will never make you better and won’t ultimately make you feel better either.
  46. Take a few cat naps.
  47. Create. Use your imagination and talent to create anything from a superb batch of brownies to a DIY Pinterest creation for your new apartment.
  48.  Laugh at yourself.
  49. Engage in the activities that cause you to be sincerely proud of yourself. These are the moments where you can feel in the pit of your stomach that you are doing something solely because it makes you feel accomplished, happy, and meaningful. Keep feeling that way and working towards those moments.
  50. Make a difference. Make a difference with your work, with your smile, with your bare hands, or with your heart. You are alive; live each day understanding what an incredible opportunity that is. You are an opportunity for greatness, so seize it.

just a little faith

Since my whole entire life is all up in the air right now (slight exaggeration, but it feels like it.) I have been going through all my things from my whole life. I came across one of my journals that I had wrote when I was younger. For a young woman's activity at girl's camp we had to write a 'letter to ourselves at the age of 25' So since I am almost 25 and I see that nothing, literally nothing, I had planned out for myself has happened, I was kind of a wreck. Life was such a simpler time when I was 12. I wrote things like travel to Disneyland twice a year, be happily married, have two kids, have a hot sexy husband like Aaron carter (gag me.), be finished with school and doing a job that I love, have a huge house with a huge yard, and just to be happy. It is crazy to think about how much life changes in such a short amount of time. I feel like this entire year has been from one extreme to the other. I am either super duper happy or super duper sad. I am not sure if I have been just content this whole year, which is weird for me. I am usually so happy-go-lucky and this year I have been totally 10000% opposite from that. The most major thing was getting divorced, even though it was mostly my decision, it was easily the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life. There is no way to explain going from thinking this person who is your absolute best friend and you will be with them until you grow old and die like Noah and Ali did at the end of The Notebook, they could quite possibly not be there anymore and get that experience with someone else. It's quite literally heartbreaking, whether it is your choice or not your choice, you have given some of your happiest and saddest times in your life to this person. I promise you that I have honestly felt what it feels to have your heart break and it sucks. Dealing with this the whole year and trying to balance school, a semi-new relationship, 2 jobs, supporting myself....It was super overwhelming. I do not do well with not knowing the future, I am a planner and a control freak. I want to control every aspect of my life, whether it is peoples emotions or their actions, how they think of me, anything. I mean, seriously people, this is a problem. A huge problem that I have to go through counseling for (how embarrassing is that?!) I have been trying to let go of this problem that I have and just go with the flow, because honestly it is impossible to control your future. This concept has also been something that has been super hard for me. I have learned a great, great deal about myself that I never knew before. One thing that is keeping me "keepin' on" is faith...I am not a religious person at all anymore. I have grown up LDS and my extended family is LDS, but I figured out along the way that I enjoy things in life, such as coffee (trust me, you don't want to see me in the morning when I go without it) and I love myself a good book and a nice glass of wine as well as the occasional shot of whiskey. Also, I love a good swear word time to time (by that, I mean every day.) so needless to say, the LDS lifestyle wasn't really for me. Plus, I have had many experiences in my church going days with people that have totally turned me away from going to church. With that little rant being over, I do still believe in a God, Jesus, Heavenly Father, Allah, whatever he may be called. I have had way to many experiences throughout my life to make me think that there is nothing else out there, especially now. Throughout all of this I have honestly known that I am not alone and I know that there is something bigger out there that knows what the plan for my life is and I have to trust that. Anytime I try to control a situation is when things go to shit, if I just sit back and chill and let things happen I start to notice the wonderful things that I have in my life. I honestly do have the best family. My mom, sisters, and my dad.....they have never given up on me. Even in times when I thought they did and I was a total and complete Bitch with a capital B, they still were there. I have amazing friends....I have lost a lot of friends throughout this year, but I have also kept and made new amazing friends who will sometimes just call or text to just say hi and they know I need a friend. They will text me until 4:00 in the morning if I need too or take me out on the weekend to help me forget about things. Or will come over to my house just because I send one text and they know I need someone (Christy, this means you! Thank you for that night.) I never realized how lucky I was with the friendships that I have made until I really needed friends. I have the best jobs...chuck-a-rama is honestly the hardest and the best place to work. I have met the most amazing people here and they are honestly my second family and I am so thankful for everyone there and every bit of little drama that happens. I don't know where my life would be if I didn't have these people in my life. Also, my job at the hospital. God always makes it known when I am complaining about my day, that it could be worse. I see the strongest children and the strongest parents there everyday and it honestly gives me the strength that I need. I am honestly so thankful for my life, somedays it is hard to say that and hard to believe it because it is such a shit storm of a life right now, but it is perfectly imperfect and I wouldn't have it any other way.

xoxo- tay